Week 20: Grace Gilbert


Abjectly like a cat

i unclasp my black bra

i leave it on the bed

as if u were coming back for it

i arch my back intently

i a woman a discordant


yesterday Greg from tinder said

“being in nashville makes me want to shed”

& it’s a long long morning

this life is

i the window

i           an orgasm

i                       drinking coffee

                                   for pace

                                                elsewhere, u are doing

                                                another thing

                                                                                    Might i disappear


grace (ge) gilbert’s recent poetics & lyric essays can/will be found in the Adroit Journal, Hobart, Ninth Letter, the Offing, the minnesota review, Gargoyle Paycock Press, the Penn Review, Maudlin House, and others. Her digital micro-chap, ‘no sharp things’ can be found in NAILED. She is an MFA candidate at the University of Pittsburgh where she consumes unholy amounts of cheese and dumplings. Peruse her work on her website: gracegegilbert.com.