Week 13: Alejandro Pérez


Sonnet with Baldwin

my iphone wallpaper’s an image of baldwin
sitting on a rocking chair/ legs crossed/
looking into the distance/ smoking a
cigar / sometimes/ i can see the smoke/
coming out/ my phone/ sometimes/ i
can feel baldwin/ entering/ my room/
sometimes i can feel/ his spirit/ invade me/

my abuela/says when the spirit invades you/
you dance/ when it invades you/ you sing
or you shout/ or you raise your arms or
you’re brought to your knees/ but when
the spirit invades me/ my mouth can’t move/
my body can’t move/ the spirit sings/ and
dances/ but my body/ forgets/ about itself


Alejandro Pérez is a student at Columbia University in New York. He is a 2019 Pushcart Prize nominee whose poems and flash fiction pieces have appeared or are forthcoming in Pacifica Literary ReviewDIAGRAMBlue Earth ReviewTypehouse MagazinedecomPSanta Clara ReviewHEArt Online, and Jellyfish Review.