Week 06: Hannah Kroonblawd


Harriet Paints the Churching of Women

The things that she would call sacred: the yellowed morning
behind bottle glass windows; the hair swept back, away
from the mouth. The candle wax pooling in their hands.
She wants to hammer their thanksgiving into the sacristy wall.

The priest extends a small piece of bread, unleavened,
over the railing. There are no children. There are no survivals
below the waist, skirts dimming, draped and still. A verb
becomes a noun becomes a body becomes a smooth, curved stone.


Hannah Kroonblawd is a student in the English Studies PhD program at Illinois State University, where she works in the Publications Unit and teaches creative writing. A graduate of the MFA program at Oregon State University, her recent work can be found in Washington Square ReviewBlue Earth ReviewRadar PoetryRuminate, and the South Dakota Review, among others.