Nossa-Senhora | Acrylic, Canvas | 130 x130 cm

Tarsila | Graffiti | 6 x 4 m


Rogério Pedro, 1975, is a Brazilian artist from São Paulo, who finds his main expression in paintings and murals. Graduated in Fine Arts at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, in 2000, Rogério moved through various artistic forms until 2012, when he began to perform many mural projects—artistic expression which he had his first contact in 1990, in São Paulo, the birthplace of Brazilian urban art. The graffiti technique came as the best way to express his art, essentially vibrant and happy. Spray paint and many colors to reveal Rogério Pedro’s truth—one that shows his talent: focused on joy, entertainment and the desire of making people happy. His work is influenced by the Modernist Movement and its various offshoots, particularly cubism. He uses the deconstruction language of volumes and shapes, through figurative paintings, a wide palette of colors, shades and sensitivity, in a unique and remarkable identity. With his art exposed in the countryside, São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Bahia (BA), Porto Alegre (RS) and Miami (FL), and published works in New York, France and Spain, and The ArtBook Brasil—one of the worlds most important art publications—and paintings in private collections in Brazil, San Francisco (USA), New York (USA) and Bogota (Colombia).