All That Glitters is Not Gold | Oil on Canvas | 24" x 36" | 2015


Artist Statement: My paintings reflect the feminine spectacle. The over-the-top, sparkling works deliver a feminist message, commenting on the ridiculous lengths that women must go in order to achieve equality and respect. Pageantry, celebrity and fanfare often find themselves in my work.

With this body of work I depict shiny, golden bows as contemporary still life. This series of 30+ paintings acts as a charming army, ready to entice and overwhelm the viewer. The bow as a symbol, a gorgeous knot, represents strength, unity and femininity. Together this work aims to provide a place of subtle reflection and ultimately to dismantle the patriarchy (in the sweetest way possible).


Ingrid V. Wells has been painting for close to a decade, and her work has been shown internationally. She earned her MFA from San Francisco Art Institute in 2013. Her work fancies the fantastic and humorous in theme and the charming, the kitschy, and the celebrity in subject. Wells’ paintings investigate the world of gendered consumerism and the ethics of fascination. Her work has been featured in The Huffington Post, Daily Mail, BUST Magazine, and Teen Vogue, among others. Wells currently lives and works in San Francisco.