This poem was originally entitled How to
Survive After Obtaining the Four Year
Degree but then I fell asleep & upon waking
I entitled it something else. Sometimes I have
dreams where February comes early & I am
left standing out in the middle of a frozen
lake. Sometimes you glance at me with a
funny look in your eyes. Sometimes you tell
me to carpe diem. Sometimes I do.
Sometimes nobody compliments my jeans so
I buy more pairs of jeans. Sometimes nobody
says anything so neither do I. Sometimes it’s
raining & sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes we
step outside & our footsteps are engrained in
the dirt. Sometimes we bathe ourselves in the
river. Sometimes you ask me why my poems
are arranged in columns like obituaries.
Leon Hedstrom is an emerging writer and Minneapolis native with poems or short fiction currently published in or forthcoming from magazines such as 3Elements Review, Bodega, WhiskeyPaper, and Four Chambers Press.